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Made, invented & Designed in the UK
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Pending Patents: EP24162630.8   US18/942,979

Never use bicycle tyre levers again – the new tool for easy bike tyre removal and fast tyre replacement.

  • Smart Lever does it all
    Tyres with tubes
  • Smart Lever does it all
    Tubeless Tyres
  • Smart Lever does it all
    Clincher Tyres
  • Smart Lever does it all
    Hooked / Crotched Rims
  • Smart Lever does it all
    Hookless Rims
  • Smart Lever does it all
    All rim edge widths
  • Smart Lever does it all
    Optional Bead Lever
    Separates stuck tyres from rim sidewall.
  • Smart Lever does it all
    Optional Bead Lever
    Integrated valve core remover

Whether you are fitting tight road bike tyres or MTB, Smart Lever makes changing a tight tyre easier than ever before

The ideal gift for every cyclist!

Fit and remove tight bicycle tyres without grimy hands and sore thumbs.

Inventor, Mark Searles set out to solve the problem after finding it almost impossible to re-fit a tyre after a puncture. Whilst discussing the issue with male and female cyclist friends, Mark soon discovered how widespread the problem was - none of the portable tools, products or bicycle puncture repair kits available could fit and seat the tightest tyres and none provided a complete solution for both removing and fitting.

Smart Lever portable tool for easily fitting and removing bicycle tyres without tyre levers

A new innovation was needed, a proper tool with replaceable articulated parts to provide the mechanical advantage necessary to overcome even the tightest tyres. A tool which is also simple to use and small enough to fit in a seat pack for roadside puncture repairs.

Smart Lever bicycle tyre tool fits easily in your seat pack

The solution required a completely new approach. To fit / seat a tyre Smart Lever lifts up the tyre bead (the edge) from the inside whilst pushing the tyre over the rim. Once placed over the rim edge, simply pushing Smart Lever around the wheel is enough for seating most tyres.

But if the tyre is too tight for the user to install, the Smart Lever shoe will be firmly held under the tyre bead and becomes a pivot to lever the tyre up from the outside too. Just lever up, then push forward repeatedly. By this method - lifting from inside and out whilst pushing over, even tyres that seem impossibly tight can be seated (the video clips show one of the tightest tyres available).

Removing a tyre could not be simpler - lever the tyre bead over the wheel rim just like a conventional bicycle tyre lever (but with the advantage of the stronger stainless-steel handle).

Then rotate the handle a quarter turn and now you can lever the tyre against the outside of the rim too. Just push the handle in towards the wheel and back twice then push forward a little. For really tight tyres - repeat with small movements forwards until you can push Smart Lever easily around the whole wheel to remove the tyre.

If your tyres get stuck against the wheel rim sidewall with tubeless sealant or because your rim has a bead seating rebate, then you need our optional Bead Lever. This connects to the Smart Lever handle

and clamps your tyre

so the bead can be levered away from the sidewall.

It even has an integrated Valve Core Remover. 

British ingenuity and quality - designed and manufactured in England from stainless-steel with replaceable articulated composite parts to protect your wheel rims. Patent pending.

So now when you get a puncture - don’t get the car - get a Smart Lever! Makes light work of tight tyres.

Patents Pending: EP24162630.8 US18/942,979


Smart Lever fits even the tightest bicycle tyres with ease - much faster and easier than bicycle tyre levers

Place one edge of the tyre, known as the bead, onto the rim - if this proves difficult then use Smart Lever to install the first edge in the same way as described below for the second. If you have an inner tube, pump in just enough air to give it shape, then push the valve through its hole and go around the rim pushing the inner tube over so that it is sitting inside the rim and not between the tyre and outer rim wall.

Now rotate the Smart Lever shoe so it is pointing back away from the long handle, place the shoe over the rim edge a few spokes back from the valve and swing the handle around half a turn until the roller is just below the edge of the tyre. Holding the wheel with one hand, push with the other against the thumb press so that the shoe slides around the rim under the tyre bead (lifting from the inside) and the roller stays under the tyre on the outside.

If the tyre falls off at the opposite cross over point - simply hold that area with your free hand. When you cannot push further with your thumb, go around the wheel from the opposite tyre cross-over point right back to Smart Lever, ensuring that the tyre bead is in the rim’s central channel. You will find you can now advance further with the thumb press. If the tyre cannot be pushed fully on, go around a second time to ensure the bead is fully in the central channel.

If the tyre is still too tight to fully install by pushing forward, the Smart Lever shoe will now be firmly wedged under the tyre bead, allowing you to push the lower part of the handle to lever the tyre up from the outside with the lifting roller. Each time you lever up, the shoe pulls more of the tyre over so you can advance a little further with the thumb press. By repeatedly levering up and pushing forward, it should be possible to fully seat even the tightest tyres.

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Remove a Tyre

Smart Lever removes even the tightest bicycle tyres easily

First, release any remaining air, then try to push the tyre away from the side wall of the wheel rim. In most cases, the tyre edge (known as the bead) will move away without difficulty, but this can be extremely difficult with some tubeless tyres or where the rim has a bead seating rebate. If you cannot move the tyre bead away by hand, then you need the optional Bead Lever attachment.

With the tyre bead positioned in the central channel of the rim all the way round and the Smart Lever hook turned in line with the handle, choose a loose section of tyre opposite the valve and carefully hook just under the edge of the bead. Lever a little whilst pulling outwards with the short handle, to avoid hooking the tube (if you have one), then lever right down over the edge of the rim.

Now turn the handle at a right angle to the hook, grip the wheel with one hand and push the handle with the other to see if the hook can be pushed along under the tyre for easy removal. If the tyre is too tight, then push the Smart Lever handle firmly in towards the wheel a couple of times and return before pushing forward a little again with the hook flat to the rim side wall. Repeat until the hook moves easily under the tyre, removing all the way round.

If the hook will not move forward, it may be that the inner tube is caught – so pull the hook a little further out from under the tyre and try again.

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Bead Lever

Clamp the tyre with Bead Lever to free from the wheel rim sidewall

Place the wing screw through the round hole in Bead Lever pointing in the same direction as the metal hook above, then insert the curved metal end of Bead Lever through the short slot in the Smart Lever handle from the side below the shoe, so that the screw passes through the slot below. Then screw on (clockwise) the domed side of the clamping nut a few turns.

With the composite side pieces (of the nut) placed on either side of the Smart Lever handle, open the jaw of the clamp. Also ensure that that the tyre removal hook is in line with its handle, then push the jaws over the tyre on the opposite side of the wheel to the valve. Screw the wing nut clockwise to clamp the tyre, keeping the composite jaw parts close to the edge of the rim. To tighten quickly - squeeze the jaws together with your free hand whilst screwing the wing nut – continue to do this whilst fully tightening the screw.

Then pull the handle around the rim and down towards the centre of the wheel from the removal hook side, ensuring that the removal hook pivots around the rim edge. This should pull the tyre bead away from the side wall. When it starts to separate, hold the lever handle in position against the spokes a while to allow the bead to fully separate. If it does not separate – unscrew, reposition, try to tighten more and repeat.

Once separated in one place it should be possible to push the remaining bead away from the rim side wall all the way around - if not reposition and repeat as necessary.

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Valve Core Remover

The valve core remover is integrated into Bead Lever’s stainless-steel body. Use the wrench shown ringed in red to unscrew or tighten a valve core, this is particularly useful when using Tubeless Tyres.

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